I created a web page about my 1914 Triumph see 1914 Triumph and in the process of learning about it have been on a steep learning curve.
As I find things out I tend to share then via the web so that others have access to them also.
I thought that just a few people would visit this page about magneto's but in the last year over 140,000 people have visited it and downloaded the manuals and literature.
So if you find something useful or download a manual - please can you donate something even just £1 to help cover the costs.
You can make your donation below via secure Paypal or use a card - Your help is much appreciated.
I am often asked who do I recomend to get a magneto serviced/repaired/overhauled.
I have yet to use anyone myself, but the company that I always hear the very best comments about is Steve Marks and The Magneto Guys company - http://www.themagnetoguys.co.uk/Home.php
The page contains a growing collection of Bosch Magneto technical information.
This page contains the technical Bosch literature for the following Bosch Magnetos:
Bosch Magneto ZE1 (German)
Bosch Magneto DA1 (English)
Bosch Magneto DA2 (English) in colour!
Bosch Magneto ZA1 (English)
Bosch Magneto AR31 & AR32 (English)
Bosch Magneto BAVf BEVf BA2f BE2f (English)
Bosch Magneto FC1A (USA Edition)
Bosch Magneto FF1 FF2 FFV (USA Edition)
Bosch Magento FF4A FF6A FU4 FU6 FR4 (German)
Bosch Magneto DU4 (English)
Bosch Magneto DR4 (English)
Bosch Magneto DF4 (English)
This page is about Bosch magneto's. Robert Bosch's Magneto transformed motoring as his magneto allowed the creation of a reliable spark.
Some of the information on this page has been very kindly provided by Bosch directly themselves. If it is then you will find (B) to indicate the source.
Below is a list of models produced and when.
To help you date your Bosch Magneto - the serial numbers by year are below.
To help you understand the specification, the information below may help.
To clarify matters even further I have been able to get access to information kindly provided by the Bosch Historical archive and this lists the different magneto types and when they first came to production. (B)
The advert below would seem to counter the above table as it seems to imply that the DA arrived in 1911.
As the inside of a magneto is a mystery to most of us, I have included below some lovely colour drawings of an early (1902 onwards) Bosch DA2 magneto.
I have added a few pictures below of a Bosch ZE1 magneto that I have bought as a spare and hope to get tested/renovated in the coming months. The serial shows that it was made in 1915.
If you have any manuals for Magneto's of the Veteran era then I would really appreciate a copy so that I can add it to this page. Also please do add any links to this page as it will help others find this information. My email is paulg@go-faster.com
I believe the Bosch ZE1 was fitted to Triumphs from 1912 to 1914. I think the Bosch DA2 was fitted to Triumphs 1906 to 1909 - anyone know any more? I get this from the 1914 Triumph Repair Catalogue, see http://www.go-faster.com/1914TriumphRepairPartsManual.html
How to set the timing on a Bosch Magneto
The following will be useful to anyone trying to set the timing on a ZE1 and probably a useful guide for other models and makes. It comes from a 1914 Triumph publication.
And below is a another period (Model H) short guide to setting the ignition timing.
Bosch Magneto ZE1 Literature (B)
Bosch DA1 Literature
Bosch ZA1 Literature
Bosch Magneto AR31 and AR32 Literature (B)
Bosch Magneto BEVf BAVf BA2f BE2f (B)
Bosch Magneto FC1A (B)
Bosch Magneto FF1 FF2 FFV (USA Edition) (B)
Bosch Magento FF4A FF6A FU4 FU6 FR4 (German)
The following technical literature is displayed as PDF files and you can scroll through them and save them to your computer.
Bosch DR4
Bosch DF4
Bosch DU4 (B)
This is the end of the Bosch literature that I have gathered so far.
I have been asked what happened to the supply of magnetos during the First War as at that time Bosch were the main global supplier. I have found the following article which explains matters.
If you are looking for further information on a magneto not featured here then please do email me and I will do what I can to help.
My email is here
If you are looking for information on old Marelli magneto's, then visit this page to contact their archive - http://www.magnetimarelli.com/company/history
Movies of Veteran Motorcycles
I have managed to find a few old movies from Pioneer Runs from long ago.
In 1955 Gordon Little organised a Pioneer Run to Paris - all 160 miles! if it, you can see a short video here:
I have also managed to find a movie of the 1961 Pioneer run and that is here:
If you are looking for more information on veteran Triumphs then below are a list of excellent sites:
If you have a veteran era hub gear that needs attention then I am reliably informed that this is the man to talk to - http://www.motorcyclehubgears.com
If you are looking for more information on old Triumphs, then a series of excellent booklets are available via the link below:
http://veterantriumph.co.uk/ - this site are the main manufacturer of early Triumph parts and a font of all knowledge. These are THE Veteran Triumph experts.
http://www.bertpol-vintagemotorcycles.com - this is a Dutch site that also makes parts for Veterans, restores bikes and sometimes has bikes for sale.
And if you feel inspired to buy one, then I have created a page of places where you might find one for sale -
An excellent book about riding an early Triumph has been written by Noel Whittall. I have read it twice so far! You can buy it at Amazon (see below) and no doubt other places.
Movies of Veteran Motorcycles
I have managed to find a few old movies from Pioneer Runs from long ago.
In 1955 Gordon Little organised a Pioneer Run to Paris - all 160 miles! if it, you can see a short video here:
I have also managed to find a movie of the 1961 Pioneer run and that is here:
If you are looking for more information on veteran Triumphs then below are a list of excellent sites:
If you have a veteran era hub gear that needs attention then I am reliably informed that this is the man to talk to - http://www.motorcyclehubgears.com
If you are looking for more information on old Triumphs, then a series of excellent booklets are available via the link below:
http://veterantriumph.co.uk/ - this site are the main manufacturer of early Triumph parts and a font of all knowledge. These are THE Veteran Triumph experts.
http://www.bertpol-vintagemotorcycles.com - this is a Dutch site that also makes parts for Veterans, restores bikes and sometimes has bikes for sale.
And if you feel inspired to buy one, then I have created a page of places where you might find one for sale -
An excellent book about riding an early Triumph has been written by Noel Whittall. I have read it twice so far! You can buy it at Amazon (see below) and no doubt other places.